Friday, February 10, 2006

Play That Funky Music

It's time for me to admit, I am suffering from one of the worst writerly afflictions - A FUNK. I'm pretty sure the only non-writer who reads my blog on a semi-regular basis is my mom. (Hi, Mom!) So, I'm fairly certain everyone experiences this phenomenon every once in a while.

Really, I've got a ton of ideas floating around in my head. And if I don't work on my own projects, I've got a ton of book reviews to edit, two books to review myself, and a crit to complete. I just don't get it done. I'm not "blocked". I'm funked.

You know what I think I need? Cher.

I might actually pay Cher at this point to reprise her role in Moonstruck. She could slap me across the face and say, "Snap out of it!"

Anyone want to share her cure for the funk?

Or Cher's phone number?

1 comment:

K.A.S. said...

I've had my share of funks. Sometimes you just have to wait them out.

And I'm tagging you with "currently..." (you can see on my blog if you haven't seen this one yet). Enjoy! hahahaha