I’m calling my first blog post for my
3-day web page, ‘The Amazing Journey Begins’.
Honestly, I’m not crazy about the title.
It kind of sounds a little like reality TV to me.
Now, I am not dissing anybody who likes these shows.
If you are an American Idol or Survivor or The Bachelor or Amazing Race or even
Jersey Shore fan, I completely get it.
As much as I loathe admitting it, reality TV is a hoot.
Where I personally draw the line, though, is the lack of creative vocabulary from the contestants.
They all say the same thing…
“It’s been such an “amazing journey.”
These are the words used to describe acting and dressing like a skank and throwing yourself at some random bachelor or even worse, Bret Michaels?
That being said, I’m sticking with the title, because this does feel like the start of an amazing journey.
I’ve never done anything like this before.
So, how did I come to the decision to walk 60 miles?
I knew I wanted to take on a challenge.
First off, I’m in decent shape for the first time in a long time.
I’m at the gym several times a week, and once spring comes, I plan to start training specifically for the event.
Secondly, losing over a hundred pounds has boosted my self-confidence big time.
I’m a little nervous about trying to raise $2300.
But in years past, I would have never even attempted to fundraise, not to mention that I couldn’t physically walk 2 miles, much less 60.
Thirdly, I wanted to be part of something bigger than myself.
As corny as this may sound, I wanted to give something back.
I requested a brochure on the 3 Day for the Cure, and after dragging my friend, Helen to the getting started meeting, I signed on.
Since then, I’ve sent out a ton of e-mail, snail mail, and Facebook messages.
I’m so grateful for the support of my family and friends.
I’ve even reconnected with a few friends from my old writing group (I’ll be rejoining the group this Saturday), and some friends who I haven’t seen since high school.
Thanks so much for your pledges, donations and encouragement!
So far – it’s been amazing, and my journey is just beginning!
And Bret Michaels?
Nowhere in sight.