It's been a wacky few weeks for me. I finally got the position I've been after for the 12 years I've been at my day job. So, I've been learning the ropes.
Then, my car broke down. It was a verrrrrrrry costly repair.
And I've been sick. It started out as a sinus infection, then morphed into bronchitis.
But I do have good news: I recently contracted with Freya's Bower publishing to write two mini e-books. They'll be published under my super secret pseudonym*, hopefully this summer.
*I'm in the process of setting up my website and blog for my alter-ego. I'll let you all know when she's ready for her debut.
In the meantime, I hope everyone had a joyous Passover or Easter.
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aww, not even a hint? Well, good luck with your books.
Sorry about the car and being sick (I have the same thing happen to me this week gone - sick as a dog for a week - my hubby broke the back window of the car which is going to cost a fortune) It's life eh?
Oh, congrats on your job.!!
Big CONGRATS on the new job! You deserve it for all your hard work! I am more glad that you are feeling better. I know you've been really sick, so take care and take lots of vitamins!
Hope your feeling better Barb...congrats on the e-books...and how's that super secret alter-ego coming - come on tell us your new name!
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